Really, Nephites?⁣!

Every time I record a new video or write a chapter summary helping to explain a chapter in Helaman, it’s seems like I’m constantly explaining how they were so good!

And then so NOT good immediately after.

And then so humble and righteous again.

And then not.

Thus had they become weak, because of their transgression, in the space of not many years.” (Helaman 4:26)

These Nephites are going to forget the word of God and turn to wickedness that quickly?!

It honestly seems a little ridiculous. ⁣

Until I examine my own life. ⁣

Circumstances can change super quickly. ⁣

And when circumstances change…⁣

Habits can change FAST. ⁣

Hearts can change FAST. ⁣

This is not-so-great news. ⁣

And, this is great news. ⁣

We can make fast changes in our lives. ⁣

I can suddenly stop going to church. ⁣

And I can suddenly start reading my scriptures. ⁣

I can suddenly decide that I’m not going to initiate family prayer anymore. ⁣

And I can suddenly text a friend and ask how I can help. ⁣

Although most of us probably aren’t cycling between extreme wickedness or extreme righteousness every single week, we do find our lives and habits to be cyclical in nature. ⁣

And we can decide pretty quickly whether we are headed in one direction or the other. ⁣

So what’s a quick change you can make right now?⁣

Is there a decision you’ve been putting off?

Is there a habit that you’ve been waiting to start?

Is there a sin that you’ve been waiting to stop?⁣

Make the fast decision now. ⁣

Because if the civilizations in the scriptures teach us anything, it’s just how quickly people can change.

For better, and for worse.

“Every day is a new opportunity to remember our Savior and follow His example.” – Julie B. Beck

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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