How do you receive the Holy Ghost each day?

I think almost every baptismal/confirmation talk I’ve ever heard has touched on this idea that we need to receive the Holy Ghost, since those are the words used in the ordinance.

But I actually really love this idea that we don’t just decide to receive the Spirit at age 8, and then we are good to go.

I think we can choose every day, every moment, whether or not we are going to receive the Spirit.

The Spirit is there, but isn’t going to impose on our agency.

This past week of my life, I’ve really tried to actively invite the Spirit into my life.

I’ve prayed to ask for the Spirit each day.

I’ve even visually pictured receiving the Holy Ghost each day.

When I’ve been feeling down, I’ve done better at actually inviting His comfort to help me, instead of wallowing in self-pity (which I’m super good at).

When I’ve been confused, I’ve practiced inviting inspiration instead of expecting it.

It’s actually been really cool.

I feel like I have a better relationship with the Spirit.

I’ve thought about having the Spirit’s presence with me much more than I have for a long time.

And… I’ve been happier. I’ve been more productive. I’ve been a little kinder. I’ve had more patience. I’ve felt more confident in making some decisions.

And I feel like there’s so much more I’m still missing!

What can I invite the Spirit to do in my life that will bring me even closer to my Savior?

To help me live even more as He lives?

“He shall receive of my Spirit, even the Comforter, which shall manifest unto him the truth of all things, and shall give him, in the very hour, what he shall say.” D&C 124:97

I think it takes a whole lotta faith and a quite a bit of action!

So how do you receive the Holy Ghost each day?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. Halloween is such a perfect day for truth about the Holy Ghost! I appreciate the reminder to choose daily to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

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