You know that call you’ve been meaning to make to the insurance company that you’ve avoided doing?

That fridge you keep saying you’ll clean out?

That person you keep meaning to text?

I do.

It’s like there’s this unpleasant list of all the things I don’t really want to do, that I need to do…

And it just weighs me down!

When I finally call and schedule that appointment, I always always always think, “man, that wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be and I feel a million times better now.”

And that’s basically what the Lord is telling us all the time.

“Release yourself from bondage.” D&C 19:35

In this case, it was the Lord telling Martin Harris to just pay off the debts to publish the Book of Mormon, and move on.

In other words, release yourself from the mental “unknown” and anguish, and just get it done.

And in the kindest way possible, that’s what He’s inviting us to do all the time.

Whether it’s a big sin we’ve been carrying around on our backs, or a minor little task that we just can’t seem to do, He has lovingly already done His part.

And He’s ready for each of us to decide to release ourselves from the bondage.

The bondage of sin, yes, but I think that also includes the bondage of heavy mental loads, too many commitments, or a long to-do list.

As soon as we start to make the first move, to pick up that phone, to decide that today is the day, He is right by our side doing more than His fair share of the heavy lifting.

But we have to make that decision to release ourselves.

What will you release yourself of today?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. I love this! Sin is not really one of my problems but all the little day-to-day things are! I had to laugh when you said cleaning out the fridge cuz it’s been bugging me for months! And I know once I do it I will love opening my fridge again! LOL

    1. It’s just so hard to get started sometimes. Let me know when your fridge is clean! Maybe you’ll find something yummy to eat in it. 🙂

  2. I am in bondage to my To Do list, which is so overwhelming I avoid even looking at it most of the time.

    But you are right. Even one, tiny little thing accomplished and I’m right there with your ” I always always always think, “man, that wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be and I feel a million times better now.”

    thanks for reminder to apply D&C to my life today.

    1. Those To Do lists can get long overwhelming. Just think baby steps and do one little thing at a time.

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