When I went back to full time work after my first daughter was born, I was not prepared for how many comments I was going to get!

My coworkers (who I loved absolutely dearly and who I know loved me too) were suddenly constantly joking around and saying things like:

“Oh I bet you are planning to quit soon! All the good teachers end up quitting as soon as they have a baby!”

I had many coworkers who were amazing mothers who worked full time as teachers, but still I could feel the judgment.

Everyone expected me, the new young mom, to now quit, because they had seen it plenty of times before.

And I did not want to prove them right.

But what they didn’t know is that I had already received super personal revelation that I needed to quit my job.

They didn’t realize how much I had wrestled with the Lord over the revelation, but couldn’t deny it.

And so here I was, about to resign from my job, with coworkers who were constantly joking about how I would probably quit soon.

Have I mentioned I don’t like being a stereotype?!

I honestly felt a little insecure and embarrassed about quitting.

I didn’t want to be labeled and judged.

As I prayed a lot about this though, my thoughts started to change.

The Lord quietly taught me that I can have confidence when I remember who I am and when I act with His power on His revelation.

I am a child of God.

He has a path for me.

And I can feel confidence and peace with that.

If other people want to judge me for following my personal revelation?

I can’t control that.

Jesus Himself experienced people doubting and trying to incorrectly label Him.

“Is not this Joseph’s son?” (Luke 4:22)

“If thou be the Son of God…” (Matthew 4:3)

But Jesus wasn’t swayed by others mislabeling Him or doubting His worth.

And I don’t need to be either.

When I remember that I am a Child of God, I gain confidence to act on my personal revelation, with true authority, no matter what others may think.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. I absolutely loved this. It is very difficult for others not to judge, myself included, but when we give each other grace and have the foresight to recognize that other people can receive revelation, it brings us peace.

  2. I’m guessing that you lovingly taught them about personal revelation, since they needed to hear it!
    Good for you for listening! Now all of us are benefitting from your extra efforts to teach on a bigger scale!

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