Most of my life I’ve only focused on this particular phrase of Alma 13:28: 

“. . .ye may not be tempted above that which ye can bear.”

That phrase on its own implies that none of us will be tempted more than we can handle.

Wouldn’t that be nice to have confidence in?

To know that every temptation you face is totally within your power to resist?

But let’s actually look at the whole first part of that verse:

“Humble yourselves before the Lord, and call on his holy name, and watch and pray continually, that ye may not be tempted above that which ye can bear.” (Alma 13:28)

People actually WILL be tempted more than they can bear– if they aren’t turning to God!

It happens all the time.

Temptations that are just too difficult for our fallen natural self to resist.

Turning to anger too quickly.

Indulging in inappropriate media.

Judging everyone who likes XYZ candidate.

But how can we avoid this?

How can we stay in that zone where our temptations ARE manageable?

Just flip it around!

If we are humble.

If we are always watching.

If we are always praying.

Then we will not be tempted more than we can bear.

We turn to Jesus with full purpose and with pure love.

Jesus is the answer.

We can watch for the temptation to arise and then pray for power from God to overcome it.

Jesus Himself was tempted while He was here on the earth.

And when we pray for His strength to be with us, we can have His power to overcome temptations just like He did.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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