Can you imagine putting on a giant breastplate, covering your feet, holding a shield, placing a helmet over your head, and trying to wield a sword, all at the same time?!

I can see the picture in my head, and I for sure look ridiculous.

I can imagine others looking at me with all my armor on.

“That looks so restrictive!”

“How do you have any fun with that stuff on?!”

“What are you preparing for? Nobody is coming. It’s not that big of a deal.”

And there sure is a lot going on in order to keep this armor on.

I’m trying to learn truths, share the gospel, keep the Spirit with me, be righteous, and increase my faith.

It’s a lot of work to put that armor on and actively decide to keep it on every single day.

It would be a lot easier to turn my focus to the other things that need to get done in my life. Feed the kids. Work. Have fun.

So why do I choose to put that armor on and keep it on?

Why do I choose to take extra time to increase my faith, work toward salvation, and create a breastplate of righteousness?

Because it’s all more than worth it when the fiery darts of the adversary start to come.

When the tough times all come zooming at me at the same exact time, the time for preparation is gone.

When the health challenges, the huge life decisions, the sorrows, the heartbreaking events, the overwhelming days start piling on…

I’m grateful for the heavy suit of armor I’ve built around myself.

Events that I’ve seen devastate others, feel a lot less painful.

Temptations that seem to pop out of nowhere don’t have the same effect as they used to.

It might all seem a little silly. A bit too much.

Scriptures? Prayer? Church meetings? Family gospel learning? Ministering? Temple service? Tithing?

It can seem so restrictive to an outsider looking in.

But when the fiery darts start to come, as they always always do, boy am I grateful for that excess of spiritual armor.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



7 Responses

  1. I like your view of the armor that is there for us to put on to help us through our trials and adversity. I to am grateful for that excess of spiritual armor.

    1. Glad you find it helpful when studying with the kids. We need all the help we can get to help them study better.

  2. I too, have to think things in a “here & now condition”. I made a lot of my decisions raising children based on how biblical parents tried to solve their problems. They didn’t win every time & neither did I, but it gives me more comfort in deciding how I should handle some situations. It gives me reassurance that their decision were important enough to include in the bible ! ( holy writ )
    Wouldn’t it be interesting to have a bible category for ‘PARENTING” ? What to do if you are having a pity party ! How do I create a quieter environment so I can hear the ‘still, small voice” while everyone is wearing ear buds, head phones, etc !
    When I go to the grocery store I purposely look for my “Jesus food”. Yogurt has pomegranates’ & other berries. Raisins, grapes, olives, juices. wheat items, etc. Then when I use them at home I smile when I use foods that the SAVIOR ate. Fishes, loaves, figs ,etc.
    There are so many fun foods we could prepare.
    Applying oil to one’s feet is like lotion for our feet. But their feet were so exposed to the dust & elements they would need them washed off & lotion-ed often. Like something you did more than once a day for sure.

    I love the statement, ” consider the lily’s and how they grow”. Lilies are huge bloomers, but their growth is usually underground & not showy & finnicky. They send up their stems, do a gorgeous bloom and then settle back down to beginning the growth of dividing it’s own bulbs.

    I think it was so cool for Mary, the mother, to send her son to bring Jesus to help her out with the wedding wine. He didn’t argue or inform them he was to busy… He went forth to do his mother’s bidding. I’ve wondered if she had time to weave him any robes or clothes… She was the most righteous spiritual daughter to be selected to be the mother of the Savior.

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