I recently sat and listened to a lesson where every single word seemed to be meant for me.

Have you been in a lesson like that or heard a talk like that before?

The entire lesson was on a gospel topic that I have been lacking in.

All of the comments that people shared were new perspectives that I needed to hear.

I loved it, and I’ve already started to do better at it.

But the thing is… it wasn’t some new gospel principle.

It’s not like I’ve never known about it or that I wasn’t painfully aware that I needed to improve that area.

But the Lord is so good.

He always invites me to improve, no matter how many times I’ve ignored that invitation before.

“Return ye now every one from his evil way, and make your ways and your doings good.” (Jeremiah 18:11)

Even if I’m not doing evil, I find myself not doing good quite often.

And I am so grateful for a loving God who invites me over and over to repent, to change, and to be a little bit better.

No matter where you are at, no matter how many times you’ve ignored that call, no matter how many times you’ve tried to answer but fallen short…

Jesus always invites us to return.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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