I am really good at making sure I’m producing good fruit.

Am I showing good results as a member of the Lord’s restored gospel?

I try to study my scriptures each day.

Say prayers.

Serve others.

Fulfill my calling.

Keep the sabbath holy.

It can start to become too much. I can start to become weighed down.

Yes, it’s good fruit.

But when it starts to outgrow my roots, that’s when there’s a problem.

When I study the olive tree allegory, the Lord of the vineyard seems the most concerned with two parts of His olive trees:

The roots


the fruit.

“And this I do that, perhaps, the roots thereof may take strength because of their goodness; and because of the change of the branches, that the good may overcome the evil.” (Jacob 5:59) 

Sometimes, I’m so focused on producing “good fruit” that I forget it’s impossible to do so without strong roots.

And roots need constant nourishment.

Instead of just checking off my scripture study for the day, I try to really connect with God and feel the Spirit in order to nourish my soul.

I turn off the fun TV show and listen to a conference talk, really focusing on connecting with God.

I find meaning in my church service instead of just getting things done.

And it makes a world of a difference.

When I feel “exhausted”, I’m usually not taking care of my gospel roots. I’m usually only focusing on the “good fruit” that other people might see.

But when I start taking care of nourishing my “roots” a lot more, feeding them a steady stream of scripture, doctrine, and goodness, guess what starts to happen?

When my roots are strong, my “fruit” is naturally good, too.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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