There are many days that I just feel exhausted by the end of the day.

I’ve got my goals of what I want to do and the person I want to be, and even though I try, I’m just exhausted.

Other days, though, I’m on top of it! I’ve been the kind of person I want to be and accomplished my goals for the day.

In my recent efforts to have more of these “good days”, I realized that there were some small but significant differences between these types of days.

When I take every spare minute to nap or check social media, I feel exhausted!

But when I carve out specific times to study, read, rest, and relax, then I feel better AND I get more tasks finished.

The Lord of the Vineyard seemed to be most concerned with two parts of the olive trees: the roots and the fruit.

Sometimes, I’m so focused on producing “good fruit”, that I forget it’s impossible without strong roots.

Roots need constant nourishment.

When I’m exhausted, it’s because I’m trying so hard to make my outward appearance look like it should. I should be producing good fruit! Other people can see my fruit! Or, even if other people aren’t watching, I tend to judge myself by my own fruit.

And ironically, when I’m only worried about producing “good fruit”, I usually come up short!

But this has been a good reminder to me to stop worrying so much about the fruit…

…and focus on the nourishment of my roots.

This includes, of course, spiritual nourishment. Taking time to dive into the scriptures. Communing with my God in prayer. Listening to the words of the prophets.

But it also means whatever “nourishment” I personally need right now. Reading. Catching up with a friend. Eating some chocolate. 😉

So, let’s try to focus on the roots. Let’s stop pushing and regulating ourselves into producing good fruit.

Instead, we can add constant nourishment to our roots. And when our roots are good, our fruit will naturally be good, too.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



5 Responses

  1. it’s all about getting to the root to transform who Heavenly Father wants us to be,we should never be dormant and think it comes naturally!

  2. This was the perfect reminder for me today. I relate with everything you said–trying so hard to produce the fruits and often farming exhausted yet unfulfilled. I definitely think it’s important to slow down! “Focus on the roots”! Thanks!

    1. I’m glad other people can relate! It’s so hard to just slow down sometimes, but I’m working on making that a bigger priority for sure. Thanks for commenting!

  3. This was the perfect reminder for me today. I relate with everything you said–trying so hard to produce the fruits and often feeling exhausted yet unfulfilled. I definitely think it’s important to slow down! “Focus on the roots”! Thanks!

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