“I’m not good at connecting with her.”

“I’m just a disorganized person.”

“I couldn’t stay calm any longer.”

“I completely messed up.”

Life is messy, and we often act pretty messily, too!

In Luke 3:5, we learn that through Christ, “Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be brought low; and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough ways shall be made smooth.”

If the Savior can make mountains to be brought low, He probably can take away bad habits or annoyances that we have too. ⁣

Jesus can help us become more patient.

He can make up for the awkwardness we feel when talking to someone new.

He can help us have compassion instead of constantly criticizing.

He can help us kick that habit of gossiping.

Every little crooked and rough way on our souls will eventually be made smooth!

But just like a river carving its way through a mountainside…

This process takes time.

These changes usually happen inch by inch.

Day by day.

Even year after year.

Are we willing to stick with the Lord through the entire process?

The “way that we are” isn’t how we will stay because mountains constantly change.

But we can trust and have faith that eventually, one day, in this life or the next, all of our rough ways will be made smooth.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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