Running faster than my strength

Overwhelmed. Exhausted.

I’ve been feeling these emotions a lot recently.

Raising two humans all day is no joke.

Pluuuuus all the other commitments that I willingly take on.

Pluuuuus all the things that I want to be doing.

It’s just a lot.

When I read Mosiah 4:27, I laughed a bit.

“It is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength.”

Cuz that’s what I feel like I’m doing right now. Going through the motions of running without much strength.

But it reminded me of one of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite talks from this past Conference.

I know a lot of us feel overwhelmed. Even when we aren’t actually “doing” a lot – we can still feel like there is too much.

But that’s where I remember that I have the answers right in my hands – I just have to ask.

I can be nudged toward which hat to wear from day to day, even minute to minute.

Prioritizing, doing things in an orderly manner, not running faster than we have strength – those are heavenly principles.

Which means our Heavenly Father will help us acquire the skills through the quiet whisperings of the Holy Spirit.

But it’s my job to remember to ask for help in those moments of overwhelm.

To be still. To know that there is a God.

And trust that He can help me know which way to face and to feel that calm peace that comes from divine direction.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. I look forward to you study snippets everyday! They truly bring peace to my soul each time. I especially love this snippet! There’s a lot of things going on in my life right now & it can get very overwhelming! This is truly a simple reminder that Heavenly Father is always there to help. I just need to remember to STOP and ask! Thank you

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