Ready for a cool connection in the scriptures?!

An angel had visited Alma the Younger in Alma’s youth.

The angel reprimanded Alma and called him to repentance.

And Alma repented!

Now, years later, an angel visited Alma on his missionary path, praised him for his efforts, and told him to return to the city of Ammonihah.

This angel said, “. . . thou hast been faithful in keeping the commandments of God from the time which thou receivedst thy first message from him.

“Behold, I am he that delivered it unto you.” (Alma 8:15)

Did you catch that?

This angel was the SAME ANGEL who had visited Alma in his troubled youth.

And now he was directing Alma as a powerful missionary of God!

Same angel, two totally different Almas.

I don’t often think about the emotions that angels feel…

But can you imagine how this angel felt?!

Probably filled with humble joy to witness Alma’s growth.

Probably filled with righteous pride to see how Alma had changed.

Angels are still with us today!

They are sent to guide our paths and bring us comfort. ⁣

Some people have sacred spiritual gifts that allow them to recognize the presence of angels more than others…

But that doesn’t mean they aren’t there.

We are also surrounded by mortal friends and family members who can act as literal angels as they listen to promptings and respond.

God will never leave us alone and without help.

And I have a feeling that angels are probably so excited to assist!

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. I taught Early Morning Seminary about 25 years ago and when I read this passage, I paused, and wept. I brought it up to my students and they were in awe. Whenever I have to teach an impromptu lesson from scripture, this is what I go to. I have people read Mosiah 27: 11-17, then have them turn to Alma 8:14-15. Usually mouths drop open. It’s amazing how many people glance over this scripture. I teach Institute and this passage is not covered in the teacher’s manual. I always try to bring it up anyway. 🙂
    I love your conception about angels having feelings. That adds even more to it. Thank you!

  2. I have read this scripture several times and believe there are angels assigned or at the very least looking out for us (Guardian Angels)
    We are never alone, our Heavenly Father has provided us with that comfort.

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