At the end of every single guest podcast episode, Kristen and I always ask, “How do you Hear Him?”

I love this question so much, and I’ve learned so much from asking it over and over again.

Because the question is so EMPOWERING!

It’s not: “How to you get God to answer your prayers?”

It’s not: “How do you get God to speak to you every day?”

It’s not: “Are you worthy enough to have God speak to you?”


Instead, this powerful question has one big underlying assumption:

God speaks to us.

All of us.


If we are trying to figure out how to hear the word of the Lord in our lives, then we have to trust that He is actually speaking to us.

Young Samuel’s story is so relatable.

The Lord called out his name in the middle of the night, ready to deliver a message.

… and Samuel assumed it was Eli.

Eli was the one who taught Samuel how to #HearHim, in a quite literal sense!

“Samuel answered, Speak; for thy servant heareth.” (1 Samuel 3:10)

Thy servant heareth.

It’s on me, really.

Am I ready to hear?

Or am I too prideful? Too busy? Too forgetful? Too loud? Too selfish?

Yup, all of those at different times.

And so I have to work to actually listen.

To say that urgent prayer in the middle of a kid’s meltdown and listen and EXPECT the Spirit to prompt me on what to do.

To ask for comfort and direction before I go and do something I’m dreading and then make space for an answer to come.

To feel overwhelmed and then proactively play some uplifting music, knowing that the notes and lyrics will connect me with Him.

God does not want to leave me comfortless, directionless, helpless.

I have faith that this is true.

He speaks.

So will I hear Him?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



8 Responses

  1. I hear the Lord best when I play the hymns on my organ. I played “God Loved Us So He Sent His Son.” and I got a great physical hug that almost knocked me off the bench. We were having our first Sacrament meeting in our home and it was the opening song. So I play the organ more and it truly brings the Spirit. We are truly blessed.

  2. This really spoke to me today! Thank you Cali. Such a fantastic reminder to HEAR HIM. ❤️????????❤️????????❤️

  3. So sweet!! I love the challenge to really listen! I have taught communication classes in the past and emphasized developing our listening skills. It makes such a difference in mortal communication. This column reminds me to make it a bigger priority in my talks with Heavenly Father. Thank you for the insights!!

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