What Samuel the Lamanite experienced:⁣

He preached the gospel fervently in Zarahemla.

He was kicked out but obediently returned when the Lord asked.

He shared his message while standing on a wall.

After he finished, some people got really angry and started throwing rocks and shooting arrows at him.

He knew he was being protected by the power of God.

But he also knew his mission was complete.

He jumped down from the wall and decided to just preach to his fellow Lamanites.

“They went forth to lay their hands on him, behold, he did cast himself down from the wall, and did flee out of their lands, yea, even unto his own country.” (Helaman 16:7)

What happened next:

There were MANY people who heard Samuel’s words and believed instantly.

They knew they needed to find the high priest, Nephi.

They found him and confessed their sins.

He baptized many of them and continued to teach them as they developed their testimonies. ⁣

Nephi got to see most of the fruits of Samuel’s labors!

There are different times and seasons of our lives where we might be like Samuel:

Laying the foundation for a reward we will never know about.

And there are other times where we get the huge blessing of being like Nephi:

Seeing the beautiful fruits of the efforts of others.

There are times and spaces for both.

Even though Nephi’s role feels a bit more rewarding in the moment, none is more essential in the big picture.

We can find patience and clarity when we realize that if we do our best, the Lord has the timing all taken care of, whether or not we are around to see it!

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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