
Alma and Amulek didn’t say a thing after watching the believing saints being burned.

They were questioned and mocked and imprisoned.

But they didn’t say anything.

I think of Jesus Christ, and the times that he chose to not respond verbally to people.

Sometimes, he chose to be silent.

Speaking up is important. Defending our beliefs is important. I can think of countless times in the scriptures and in modern-days when people have been moved to speak up. In fact, we are often explicitly asked to speak up.

But sometimes, the Spirit can move us to just be silent.

I have felt this a few times in my life.

Sometimes, it’s been because saying anything wouldn’t change their mind. Although I enjoy teaching and sharing new perspectives, sometimes I feel that little prompting that tells me not to continue with the conversation.

Other times, it’s because I can be a better example through my actions than my words. When someone starts speaking rudely about another person with me, sometimes I feel like the best way to stop the gossip is to just not respond or react to what the person is telling me.

And other times, I need to be silent for my personal improvement. When talking with other people, I often start formulating a response or opinion in my head. But sometimes I get the quiet thought that tells me to just stop and listen.

Talking, sharing, speaking. Those are all important.

But sometimes, saying nothing is the best way to make the biggest impact.

Sometimes, we can share our testimony through silence.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. Thank you so much! I agree! I have felt that silence is so effective in those same instances. Sometimes it has made me feel weak however, so I appreciate your scriptural tie to Alma, Amulek and the Savior. Such great perspective. Silence many times is golden!

  2. I needed this today. It’s been rough feeling unappreciated by my family for over a year now. So being silent is got to work for me.

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