I was in the temple one time, hoping for an answer to a big question.

In all reality, I was asking “for a sign”. ⁣

You can expect one of those in the temple, right?!

But guess what happened instead?⁣

After I waited and waited and prayed and prayed, the thought finally came to my mind:

“I’ve already given you all the signs. You just haven’t noticed them yet.”

And IMMEDIATELY my mind was filled with all the little miracles and answers that had already been given to me over the previous days and weeks!

I just hadn’t paid attention.

Or I was looking for something so much bigger that I dismissed the smaller, less impressive promptings along the way. ⁣

The Pharisees and Sadducees came to Jesus, asking for a sign to show that He really was the Savior of the world. ⁣

Jesus responded:

“When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red. . . O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?” (Matthew 16:2-3)

Jesus was telling them that they had already been given many signs that He was the Messiah. The “signs of the times” were everywhere, and yet they still wanted something bigger.

But I love that our Savior is still so loving and kind that He will point out many of the signs that we have missed.

He still gave the Pharisees an example.

And He brought all my answers to my remembrance that day in the temple.

How do we recognize the signs?⁣

Keep the Spirit with us at all times.

Make time for pondering.

Meditate. Journal. Reflect.

ASK Him to bring signs to your remembrance that you may have missed. ⁣

When we slow down and reflect, it’s humbling to see that the Lord has given us more help than we even realize!

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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