Sometimes I write my posts in batches, and just post them on separate days.

This past week, I wrote many of my posts on Monday. I knocked out 3 and started into my 4th post, found the scripture I wanted to write about, and hit a wall.

I KNEW the idea and thought that I wanted to convey in my post, but I literally couldn’t write the words down.

I said a little prayer to help me move forward in my writing, because when you are a young mom and have the time to sit down and write, you gotta take it! I kept praying. I kept trying to start writing the post. I told God about my timeline and how I only had a few more minutes before nap time was over.

And yet, nothing changed. I couldn’t write the 4th post.

I stopped trying, felt a little unsettled, and moved on.

I slowly posted my first posts that I had scheduled. Monday… Tuesday…

And then the world seemed to fall apart.

I looked back at the scripture that I had wanted to make that 4th post about, and it literally no longer made sense in the context I had imagined (It was all about General Conference, which had now drastically changed).

The timing just wasn’t right. Circumstances were going to change dramatically for myself and my readers so that my original words wouldn’t have the impact that I had imagined. We all needed a different message instead.

And sure enough, a new scripture and a new thought jumped out. I wrote that 4th post and posted it on Friday, and it was exactly what I needed to say.

Trying to “counsel the Lord” doesn’t always look like praying and telling the Lord exactly what he should do (although sometimes it can).

Instead, I think it can just mean that we are missing the true counsel from the Lord.

I was too busy asking for my writer’s block to be lifted, that I probably missed the message of “Wait. This has nothing to do with you. Just wait.”

So what messages are we missing right now? What answers and solutions are we waiting for so loudly, that we unintentionally miss the Spirit’s calm voice?

Slow down. Pray without an agenda. And then listen to his counsel.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



5 Responses

  1. I’m not sure how I got on your mailing list, but I’m happy that I did. How do I access your posts? Will they just come in an email to me several times a week? Thanks for your efforts and thoughts.

    1. I’m glad you are here! Yes, you’ll get an email each time I post, or you can always come back to this website to see what I’ve put up most recently. Welcome! 🙂

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