I use the Marco Polo app all the time.

I love it because I can stay in touch with family and friends who aren’t with me.

I show them funny things that my kids do, brag about accomplishments, ask for advice, vent, ramble…

Most of the time, no one is watching live as I send my video.

They’ll watch it whenever they can, and respond when they can.

It’s fun to not have to worry about whether or not they are available to chat – I just send it when it’s convenient to me!

(And no, this post isn’t sponsored by the Marco Polo app “live”  🙂 )

But this is how I imagine my constant prayers in my heart to my Heavenly Father, too.

Whenever I’m in a moment of gratitude, pride for my kids, laughter, frustration, confusion, or even boredom…

He is there and waiting for me to share the little snippet of my life with Him.

(Except, He’s always available and always watching me on “live” 🙂 )

And there are other times where I actually meet up with my friends, FaceTime with my family, or speak face to face with my husband.

Those are important conversations because that’s where the real communication happens, where real bonds are formed, where my relationships become authentic and important.

Our relationship with our Heavenly Father needs BOTH the formal morning/evening prayers AND the constant, more casual check-ins.

Sometimes, I rock at my formal prayers.

But other times, I find myself only “sending Marco Polos” by reaching out during the day in casual moments when my emotions are particularly strong.

I think a good, strong relationship needs both.

We were counseled in General Conference to re-double our efforts when it comes to prayer, and I’ve been examining this balance a lot.

Real, deep, communing conversations with our Heavenly Father are essential in order to get to know Him.

And little, constant check-ins on our part keep our hearts always turned to Him.

Both are important to build and maintain a healthy and relevant relationship.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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