Sincere and without offence. ⁣

These are two very desirable…

(but in my opinion, very DIFFICULT)

…Christlike attributes to obtain. ⁣

“That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ.” (Philippians 1:10)

I see being SINCERE as an outward quality.

It’s an attribute that affects what I say or do toward others. ⁣

How can I become more sincere?⁣

Here’s a few things I’ve been working on:⁣

-Expressing gratitude for other people often

– Acting on promptings as soon as I receive them⁣

– Not being afraid to speak up when I feel differently about a situation than others (not just saying “I agree!” to keep the peace)⁣

– Making sure my outward actions reflect my inner thoughts⁣

– Praying earnestly to have my natural thoughts be more kind so that I can then act with sincerity on desires to serve, and not out of obligation ⁣

The other Christlike quality is to be WITHOUT OFFENCE. ⁣

I see this quality as a more inward characteristic.

It has to do more with how I react to what other people are saying. ⁣

How can I avoid being offended more often?⁣

Here’s some more things I’ve been working on:⁣

– Recognizing that when I perceive something as “rude”, it most likely is not from someone who actually intends emotional harm.

-Acknowledging that other people’s words and actions have nothing to do with who I am.

– GIVING IT TIME. This is a huge one for me. Right after something “offensive” has happened, I’ve found it helpful to not wrestle with it right afterwards because my emotions get in the way. When I give things time, it is so much easier to see the bigger perspective. ⁣

– Praying to see the situation as my Father in Heaven sees it. Eventually, I get a glimpse of that Christlike love for the other person that seems to make the situation much more bearable. ⁣

I’m still working on adding sincerity and avoiding offence each day. ⁣

But the peace that comes from the moments when I do get it right teaches me that this is how the Savior wants me to live.

How have you become more sincere?

How do you avoid taking offence?⁣

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. ” that ye may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ.”

    Your perspective never occurred to me.
    I’ve always read this as being sincere, honest but choosing my words carefully, so others are not offended.

    Honesty and sincerity go together, but can be offensive to others if we aren’t careful when we choose our words.

  2. As always, your words are easy to understand and relate to, yet at the same time, profound and thought provoking!

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