Singing in choirs is an activity that has literally brought me so much joy throughout my life. ⁣

So when I connect that love of singing to the gospel, I can’t help but connect with what Alma asks about our hearts. ⁣

“If ye have experienced a change of heart, and if ye have felt to sing the song of redeeming love, I would ask, can ye feel so now?” (Alma 5:26)

Are our hearts taking advantage of the opportunity we have every single day to sing the song of redeeming love?⁣

Or are we giving it up for some lesser options? ⁣

Sometimes, I catch myself just humming. ⁣

Here I am, surrounded by miraculous stories, Spirit-filled experiences, God’s word, and a prophet of God. ⁣

And I’m just kind of humming along.

Remembering to read my scriptures here and there, trying to feel the Spirit sometimes… still in tune, but not fully participating. ⁣

And other times, I realize I’ve started mouthing the words. ⁣

Going through the motions.

Keeping up appearances.

But not having much substance behind what I’m doing, and taking no joy from it. ⁣

And yet other times, I realize that I don’t know what notes I’m supposed to sing. ⁣

The responsibility is mine to create opportunities to feel the Spirit, and I’ve dropped the ball.

I haven’t prepared my heart in the way that I know I should. ⁣

And then, other times, I get to SING. ⁣

I get to sing out.

I sing the right notes. I create harmony with those around me who are also doing their best. I keep my eyes on the Director, who knows the big picture. ⁣

That is pure joy.⁣

Singing with a full heart and a full voice. ⁣

So when was the last time we fully sang out? ⁣

Has it been a while since we felt that joy of being “all in” with our mightily changed hearts?⁣

And if it’s been a while, what changes can we make to feel that JOY of singing the song of redeeming love again?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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