Singing in choirs is an activity that has literally brought me so much joy throughout my life.

(AKA I’m totally missing it right now #choirwithdrawals)

So when I connect that love of singing to the gospel, I can’t help but connect with what Alma asks about our hearts.

Are our hearts taking advantage of the opportunity we have every single day to sing the song of redeeming love?

Or are we giving it up for some lesser options?

Sometimes, I catch myself just humming.

Here I am, surrounded by miraculous stories, Spirit-filled experiences, God’s word, and a prophet of God.

And I’m just kind of humming along. Remembering to read my scriptures here and there, trying to feel the Spirit sometimes… still in tune, but not fully participating.

And other times, I realize I’ve started mouthing the words.

Going through the motions. Keeping up appearances. But not having much substance behind what I’m doing, and taking no joy from it.

And yet other times, I realize that I don’t know what notes I’m supposed to sing.

The responsibility is mine to create opportunities to feel the Spirit, and I’ve dropped the ball. I haven’t prepared my heart in the way that I know I should.

And then, other times, I get to SING.

I get to sing out. I sing the right notes. I create harmony with those around me who are also doing their best. I keep my eyes on the director, who knows the big picture.

That is pure joy.

Singing with a full heart and a full voice.

So when was the last time we fully sang out?

Has it been a while since we felt that joy of being “all in” with our mightily changed hearts?

And if it’s been a while, what changes can we make to feel that JOY of singing the song of redeeming love again?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



One Response

  1. I love choir! I sang in school choirs and my church choirs as an adult but what I also love is waking up everyday with a song in my heart a hymn that brings me so much joy!!.

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