What do you think Jesus sounds like when He sings?

Singing and joy and happiness are so intertwined.

So I know that He sings.

How do you think our Heavenly Parents sound?

I know They sing.

Singing is joy and praise.

But it doesn’t always feel that way, right?

When we open our hymn books in church to sing the opening hymn, it’s oftentimes routine.

(Or time to try and keep your kids from tearing pages out of the book.)

Yeah, yeah, opening hymn. It’s what we do.

But how would our congregations, and more importantly our own hearts, be transformed if we sang with joy and praise in our hearts?

Without a care in the world about technique or right notes.

My heaven is filled with a whole lot of singing.

“And they shall sing the song of the Lamb, day and night forever and ever.” D&C 133:56

It’s not gonna be somber when we see Jesus.

Reverence and praise work together!

And singing, with our hearts and souls and intent fully behind it, is a beautiful way that we WILL use to praise Jesus.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



6 Responses

  1. What a lovely idea! Always enjoyed singing—- best calling in the church —sing in the ward choir. Thank you for drawing our attention to this so-seldom-noticed piece of scripture.

  2. Do we have to go to Amazon to get you a new study guide? I don’t buy on Amazon in the last two I’ve just download it from your Store I think. Then I printed them off of my computer and punched holes in bound them. Are we not going to be able to do that with this one

    1. You will be able to purchase and download the study guide from my store when it becomes available in December! Thank you so much for your support!

  3. Love this!

    All your resources are spot on ❤️ I’ve always struggled with enjoying and being consistent with scripture study. Your approach gives me confidence and new perspective. Thank you!!

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