I’m always a fan of a good #lifehack!

As a mom of two young kids, finding new ways to be a little more efficient is always a win in my book!

The best way to get my to-do lists complete, to keep the house orderly, to fulfill my commitments.

But one thing that I’ve noticed is there are many times in my life, including in church assignments or personal goals, where speed and efficiency are actually not the best goals to have.

I don’t think God’s purpose for my life is speed and efficiency.

In Ohio in 1831, there were a whole bunch of saints wanting to move to Missouri.

After all, Missouri had just been declared Zion, so why would they sit in Ohio and wait any longer?!

Shouldn’t they just all head out to Missouri as quickly as possible if they knew that was their endgame?

But the Lord told them in D&C 63:24:

“They should assemble themselves together unto the land of Zion, NOT IN HASTE, lest there should be confusion, which bringeth pestilence.”

Moving too quickly can bring confusion.

And when there is confusion, it’s a breeding ground for pestilence, or an evil influence, to spread.

Which means, the opposite must be true sometimes, too.

Slowing down can bring clarity.

I do love being quick and efficient, but there have been other times in my life where I have felt that the Lord has told me to just slow down.

To not look for the latest “hack” on my prayers, or how to fulfill my calling, or how to teach my family.

Good things take time.

The Lord knows that sometimes, moving slowly to avoid confusion is the best way to make His work move forward the fastest.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. Indeed Cali, I can relate to that. Thank you for the timely reminder. I love reading through your posts, they bring into light a clarification of a principle that I have missed or did not get.
    I appreciate your time, effort and especially your spirit of teaching and sharing.

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