I was terrified out of my mind when I quit my teaching job.

I mean, I had gone to BYU for 4 years, earned my education degree, and then taught full-time for 4 years, and now I was just quitting?!

But I knew I needed to do it.

I had just given birth to my first daughter, and I felt strongly to quit my job, despite my previous plans to continue working.

But even though I felt terrified…

I remember on those final few days of work, I was actually filled with excitement for the future.

I felt this weight of anticipation.

I knew that something amazing was about to happen.

Maybe I was going to open a piano studio that would influence tons of kids’ lives.

Maybe I would fall in love with online teaching and dive into that.

Maybe there was something else I was going to discover.

I even told my husband: “I feel like something really great is going to happen in my life after I quit teaching, and I’m so excited to figure out what it is.”

In Doctrine and Covenants 35:3-4, the Lord is telling Sidney Rigdon, who just effectively quit his former preaching job and trekked across a few states to completely turn his life around, that:

“I have… prepared thee for a greater work. Thou art blessed, for thou shalt do great things.”

What an unforgettable blessing!

Most of us are not being asked to quit our job or stop our schooling or move across the country on a moment’s notice right now.

But I do think the promise is still extended to us.

There is something greater in store for you.

Do you feel that excitement?

There is more that the Lord wants you to do in order to help gather Israel in a way that only you can.

It might look really small to the world, or it might leave a huge mark, but there is something greater that you can do.

I feel like there’s more in store for me, too, and it keeps me motivated every day.

I have been prepared for a greater work, and I have full faith that the Lord will help me discover and create it, with His tender guidance and my agency working together.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



8 Responses

  1. Oh, dear Cali Black. This IS what the Lord had in store for you. Sharing inspiring messages with strangers like me, who are seeking inspiration and revelation every day. I was on Medical Leave due to an accident for 4 months. After 60 days or more out of any position with this employer, your position is filled, and the person on leave will need to wait for a similar position to open. After many struggles to have my employer set up my return to work date and location, I finally got a new job. I’ve been pondering if this is the job with a healthy work environment that would allow me to learn new skills and grow. My previous situation at work was not good. I have felt Heavenly Father’s love throughout this whole process of uncertainty and chaos while thousands of people are without jobs in our country. This scripture and this study snippet have crowned everything I have experienced for the last 48 hours since I got the news that I’ll be going back to work on Monday. Forever thankful.

    1. It’s always nice to have perspective and know that God wants the greater thing for you. I hope you will start to see the blessings from your new job situation and understand God’s plan for you.

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