Nephi and Sam. ⁣Both righteous men. Brothers. ⁣

And two different styles of believing. ⁣

I think it’s interesting that both of them followed their father and mother into the wilderness BEFORE receiving their own witness that they were really following the Lord. ⁣

They had borrowed their parents’ faith. ⁣

But after a few days in the wilderness, they both needed to know for sure. ⁣

I did cry unto the Lord; and behold he did visit me, and did soften my heart that I did believe all the words which had been spoken by my father…” (1 Nephi 2:16)

NEPHI prayed. He cried unto the Lord. The Lord softened his heart. ⁣

“And I spake unto Sam, making known unto him the things which the Lord had manifested unto me by his Holy Spirit. And it came to pass that he believed in my words.” (1 Nephi 2:17)

And SAM believed Nephi’s words. ⁣

“Don’t be discouraged if you find yourself having to believe on the testimony of others. That in and of itself is a gift.” – Elder Rasband

I think a lot of the time I’m like Nephi. I need to know for myself. I plead with the Lord and He eventually softens my heart. ⁣

And other times, I am like Sam. The experience and strong witness of others is good enough for me. In fact, it is often accompanied by my own quieter spiritual confirmation. ⁣

But Sam might have had a hard time believing if Nephi hadn’t shared his experience.

Nephi shared his witness. And then Sam believed. ⁣

When I am like Nephi and I gain a strong witness of a principle or a doctrine, am I sharing it with the people I love? ⁣

Am I sharing it with the people around me who may benefit from it? Or just keeping my testimony and witness to myself?⁣

Conversion is powerful and personal. ⁣

But we also have the chance to uplift the Sams around us who may NEED to hear our story in order to start their own conversion. ⁣

How many times have WE been grateful for the touching stories that others have shared that have encouraged further conversion in our lives?⁣

Sometimes we are Sam, and sometimes we are Nephi.

And when we are Nephi, let’s have his courage to share what we have learned to help convert others.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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