For four years I listened to a General Conference talk on my way to work each morning.

I loved those days.

I knew each talk like the back of my hand, and I felt so close to each of the apostles and other general leaders.

A few of my favorites from that time were:

Elder Holland’s counsel to: “Keep loving. Keep trying. Keep trusting. Keep believing. Keep growing. Heaven is cheering you on today, tomorrow, and forever.” (April 2016)

That talk always widened my perspective when I was stuck in the day-to-day craziness.

Elder (at the time) Nelson’s counsel to make the Sabbath a delight was life-changing in getting me to really consider my choices each Sunday in a much more mature way. (April 2015)

Elder Bednar’s perfect talk about meekness that made a bunch of Christlike principles click in my mind. (April 2018)

My General Conference listening isn’t quite as consistent anymore, but I will tell you one thing that has not changed.

I have a testimony that the apostles are special witnesses of Jesus Christ.

And as we learn in the parable of the wheat and tares, as explained in D&C section 86:

“the field was the world, and the apostles were the sowers of the seed”. D&C 86:2

The apostles sow the seeds.

They sow really good seeds.

I used to view the apostles as the guys in the highest leadership positions in the church.

But now I view them a lot more like 15 men who have been called to serve and bear testimony of Jesus Christ, with the entire world as their responsibility.

They are servants who are sowing good seeds with every new place that they travel and every talk that they give.

We are almost exactly halfway in between Conferences right now.

And I think we can still do some heart-softening and some Conference-listening and some testimony-strengthening.

The apostles are different.

Their priesthood duty is to hold all of the priesthood keys and to bear special witness of Jesus Christ.

They don’t point us to how awesome they are.

Instead, they point us straight to Him.

I’d love to hear: What is something you’ve heard from an apostle recently that has really “sowed a good seed” into your life?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



6 Responses

  1. ““Lord, I Believe” General Conference talk by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
    Just because you may have a question or concern with a Gospel doctrine or principle doesn’t mean you are a complete failure or unbeliever. OK to ask questions. Just focus more on what you DO believe than the thing that is being a challenge for you.

    Very helpful when my faith was wavering.

  2. “Lord are we not all Beggars”, a General Conference address by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland. I have to say that whatever he says, I listen. This address really brought to home how we can indeed “Love, Lift and Inspire” others no matter the situation, no judgements as the title simply states, we are all in this together.

  3. I absolutely loved Elder Rasbands talk to you n October 2020 of being Recommended To the Lord. I had never thought about it that way. I had been divorced for just over a year and my recommend needed to be renewed. I knew that this was the time to take care of my self and work through the repentance process from my failed marriage. I didn’t end it he did by being on a dating site and apparently it not being a big deal after 28 years of marriage so I left but I had allowed and been involved in some things that he wanted in our marriage. I have my agency and I am accountable for my actions. I listen to his talk every day and I was able to with great faith, trust and humility use the atonement and be worthy for my temple recommend. I will forever be grateful to Elder Rasband.

    1. I love that you were able to find such strength through his talk! I’ll have to listen to that talk again.

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