Here are three seemingly unrelated things I’ve seen one of my kids do this past week:

1) They started gripping their crayons differently.

2) They picked up a play purse and told me they were “Ready to go to the temple!”

3) They picked up a large rectangular block and told me they were texting.

Now what do all three of these things have in common?

My child was copying something they had just seen me do. ⁣

Jesus invites us, “. . . wherefore, follow me, and do the things which ye have seen me do.” (2 Nephi 31:12)

The cool thing is that we don’t have to guess what Jesus would do.

We don’t have to guess because we can see it in the scriptures.

We can learn through His prophets.

We can be shown by the Spirit.

Kids tend to emulate the adults they are around the most.

So if I want to start emulating my Savior even more, I’ve got to “hang out” with Him more often!

I have to be in the scriptures.

I should be learning from others who know Him.

I need to be inviting the Spirit into my life.

Because when I am around Jesus more, it’s natural to want to do what He does.

I’ll become more like Jesus as I spend more time with Him.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



3 Responses

  1. Such a simple example of a profound thought! We act like the people we spend time with! Kids watch us so intently. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if they got to know the Savior better by watching us?

  2. “So if I want to start emulating my Savior even more, I’ve got to “hang out” with Him more often”!

    I was doing really well for a while in arranging my life with big chunks of time for scripture study.
    (I’m retired & a widow whose family all live out of town, so minimal responsibilities to others. This is the “season” of my life.) I got off track after 3 weeks of traveling and needed a “boost” to remind me again.

    Thanks, as always.

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