Do we think that physical healings are more more miraculous than spiritual healings? ⁣

The story of the man with palsy is interesting, because Jesus first forgives him of his sins.

No physical healing had happened.

Just spiritual healing.


And then Jesus makes an interesting comment to the scribes who had been watching.

“Whether is it easier to say to the sick of the palsy, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and take up thy bed, and walk?” (Mark 2:9)

I imagine Jesus thinking:

“I know some of them will only believe I forgave his sins if I also heal his physical infirmity.”⁣

This week, like in much of the New Testament, we will read about many miracles.

And sometimes we put the most focus on the physical aspects (raising the dead, healing lepers, casting out devils and calming the storm). ⁣

But it’s a little more challenging to look for the subtle hints we receive about the even more miraculous spiritual healings that accompany each of these physical miracles.

There might be more personal applications and connections to find that way.

Spiritual healing looks like a peaceful and understanding heart.

A heart that has been invited change.

A heart that will no longer focus on things of the world.

A heart that puts God and Jesus above all else.

A heart that serves and sacrifices rather than looking for comfort and ease.

The physical healing is amazing. Beautiful. Full of grace. Absolutely miraculous.

But the spiritual healing is unfathomable.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



6 Responses

  1. As a person with 50+ years of depression and anxiety, as well as periods of “faith crisis”, I consider spiritual healing more significant. Physical stuff can wear you down, but having the “peace that passes all understanding” through Jesus Christ can lift you above it all.

  2. I love your posts! You bring the principles alive in everyday circumstances. You connect “little” things to scriptures that happen in our everyday lives. I also love that they are brief and to the point. It’s nice to have a compact lesson that carries a significant Punch! Thanks for your efforts!

  3. A heart that is able to forgive, and feeling that burden lifted from you is also a spiritual healing!

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