What is a significant spiritual memory that you will never forget?

For me, it involves a testimony meeting at Young Women’s camp being surrounded by trees and countless stars.

But maybe for you, it was a moment on your mission.

An experience at the temple.

A quiet moment at home.

While those big spiritual moments are eternally powerful, I’ve realized we can’t live our lives drawing from a single experience when we felt the Spirit.

It’s not enough.

It’s a great foundation, but it’s not enough.

Some religions emphasize a one-time experience of being “born again.”

John wrote about this saying,

“Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.” (John 1:13)

But we know we need constant spiritual experiences to stay close to the Lord.

In other words, we must be “born again” almost daily!

In probably a less dramatic way than that “big moment” we have in mind, but still just as real.

So, have you been spiritually born of God yet. . . today? ⁣

In other words, have you felt the Spirit today?

I won’t pretend like this is something that comes easily every single day.

But I’ve started trying to reflect on this each night.

“Have I felt the Spirit today?”

It’s actually made it a little easier for me to recognize when I am feeling the Spirit in the moment.

And if I haven’t yet, I love to reflect on what I can do to invite the Spirit, draw closer to God, or renew my righteous desires that day.

And I am spiritually reborn, refreshed, and renewed.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. If not daily for sure every week as I partake of the sacrament. I am born again and again. As I read the scriptures daily I am renewed and my testimony re freshed. My testimony strengthened. Yes I am born again.

  2. Now I have always been led to believe that being born again, is about Batism? Because of that teaching, I have never looked at that scripture to mean anything else.
    It’s so good to learn new things, even as a long standing member of the Church.

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