It’s one of my favorites.

In Spot-It, there is a stack of circular cards, and each card is filled with multiple various pictures.

But here’s the mind-blowing part:

You can pick up ANY two cards from the deck, and ONE AND ONLY ONE picture matches between the two cards.

I recently decided to play the game with my daughter, and we had fun looking at random pairs of cards and trying to find the singular picture that matched.

The concept may sound simple.

But some of the matching pictures take a surprisingly long amount of time to find!

There were many moments when I wanted to say, “I promise, there is no match on these cards!”

But each time I was sure there was no match, I would tell myself:

“They wouldn’t create an impossible game.”

That assurance gave me the confidence to keep looking until I found the answer.

Because I wouldn’t actually give up if I knew there really was an answer I would find any second.

When we look at God’s commandments, He will never ask us to do something impossible.

No commandment comes without a way to obey.

No temptation comes without an escape path.

The Lord promises, “I will provide means whereby thou mayest accomplish the things which I have commanded thee.” (D&C 5:34)

Take a second right now and think of the one commandment you struggle the most to obey.

Remind yourself, “There IS a way.”

Temptation is not a game with a nonexistent solution.

We CAN obey the most difficult commandments.

We CAN avoid our greatest temptations.

God has provided us with a way.

And the assurance that this IS possible can give us the confidence to keep trying.

“Your greatest protection against temptation is an active and vibrant testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ, which binds us to our Heavenly Father.” – Rulon G. Craven

Do you know the game “Spot-It”?

It’s one of my favorites.

In Spot-It, there is a stack of circular cards, and each card is filled with multiple various pictures.

But here’s the mind-blowing part:

You can pick up ANY two cards from the deck, and ONE AND ONLY ONE picture matches between the two cards.

I recently decided to play the game with my daughter, and we had fun looking at random pairs of cards and trying to find the singular picture that matched.

The concept may sound simple.

But some of the matching pictures take a surprisingly long amount of time to find!

There were many moments when I wanted to say, “I promise, there is no match on these cards!”

But each time I was sure there was no match, I would tell myself:

“They wouldn’t create an impossible game.”

That assurance gave me the confidence to keep looking until I found the answer.

Because I wouldn’t actually give up if I knew there really was an answer I would find any second.

When we look at God’s commandments, He will never ask us to do something impossible.

No commandment comes without a way to obey.

No temptation comes without an escape path.

The Lord promises, “I will provide means whereby thou mayest accomplish the things which I have commanded thee.” (D&C 5:34)

Take a second right now and think of the one commandment you struggle the most to obey.

Remind yourself, “There IS a way.”

Temptation is not a game with a nonexistent solution.

We CAN obey the most difficult commandments.

We CAN avoid our greatest temptations.

God has provided us with a way.

And the assurance that this IS possible can give us the confidence to keep trying.

“Your greatest protection against temptation is an active and vibrant testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ, which binds us to our Heavenly Father.” – Rulon G. Craven

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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