Do you like to stand out?

There are times when I definitely enjoy standing out.

On my graduation day, at a birthday party, my baby shower…

But there are other times that I absolutely do not want to stand out.

Usually when I’m in a large group setting or I don’t know anyone or I feel awkward.

But I’ve learned that when we stick to gospel principles, we naturally stand out.

In fact, our current prophet has encouraged this!

“Embrace being different!” -President Nelson

Do you think it was difficult for Daniel and his brethren to stand out?

I’m sure it was.

It’s easy to romanticize and distance ourselves from this well-known story.

But I bet it wasn’t simple.

When they refused to eat or drink what the other boys were eating and drinking, I bet they got made fun of.

I bet they were ostracized.

I bet people talked about them behind their backs.

It is not fun to stand out in this way.

But what was the end result?

“Among them all was found none like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah”. (Daniel 1:19)

There was no one else like them!

I’m sure that was difficult sometimes to stand out.

But in the end, they stood out in the best way possible.

And they certainly stood out to their Heavenly Father.

For better or for worse, we are going to stand out when we really love the Lord and stick to what He has taught us.

Sometimes the attention feels good, like when your coworker wants to know why you always seem so happy or when someone confides in you because you are always so kind.

But other times, standing out isn’t so naturally comfortable.

Embrace it. Love it. Find confidence in it.

Because even though we may stand out in awkward ways, we will never stand alone.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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