How is Jesus both, as Isaiah puts it, “. . . my strength and my song”? (2 Nephi 22:2)


There are probably many times each day when I feel I could use extra strength or support.

For example, when my toddler needs me to open the same toy for the millionth time, when I’ve got a work deadline to hit, or when a friend tells me of a new heartbreaking trial.

Jesus can be my strength in these difficult moments.

When I remember to call out to Him for help!


But what about Jesus being my song?

Let me tell you that I always have a song stuck in my head.


Whether I’m doing the dishes, driving in the car, or trying to fall asleep at night, I’ve got a song repeating over and over in my head.

What if we could be like this with Jesus?

What if Jesus was always “stuck” in our minds?

He can be my strength and He can be the song in my heart.

I’ve learned that Jesus can be my strength and my song when I call on Him for help, and I do my best to always remember Him.

What does it mean to you that Jesus is your STRENGTH and your SONG?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. He is my strength because I know he is always supporting me in good times and bad. I’m never alone. He’s my song because singing gives me joy and lifts my spirits. Jesus does that too. All encompassing support!

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