I always wanted a surprise birthday party growing up.

My mom was fantastic about throwing great birthday parties each year, but I thought the idea of other people planning something for me without me knowing sounded pretty exciting!

To be totally shocked sounded fun.

Fast-forward to last year, when it was the weekend before my birthday.

I told my husband I just wanted to keep it lowkey this year, and we didn’t have any plans that weekend for me.

In fact, we were running around celebrating our kids’ friends birthdays all Saturday.

We pulled our car into our garage.

Exhausted after a long day, I was the first of our family to walk into our dark home.

And I saw the silhouette of someone sitting on our couch.

My panic instantly set in as I scanned my eyes and saw even more silhouettes on the couch.

I decided that if I was going to die in that moment, I might as well turn on the lights so they knew that I knew that they were there.


My home was filled with my friends, a delicious homemade cake, and food to share.

It was really fun to celebrate with friends…

But I also learned that I really really REALLY like knowing what is going on!

Arguably the most famous teaching that Amos shares is in Amos 3:7.

“Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.”

There is no big surprise coming.

We know the plans.

In fact, we’ve been planning the party!

We’ve been making the invitations.

We’ve been very involved in gathering everyone together for the celebration.

No need to fear.

No need to panic.

We have been told, and we will be told exactly what we need to know.

I am grateful for no surprises.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. Thanks a lot, nobody really loves surprises. Our Father in Heaven has revealed everything to us and made us take part in the preparation.

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