Study Snippets

Ready for quick, simple and powerful spiritual thoughts from this week’s Come Follow Me reading? Check out my Study Snippets here, starting from most recently published. If you are looking for ideas for quick spiritual thoughts, or easy lesson starters, this is your place! This list is automatically updated as new Snippets are added, so check back for new thoughts each day!

Alma 17-22

God doesn’t do “random”

Want to hear the most random story ever? There were some friends who experienced a miraculous spiritual conversion together. Then they spent years apart on

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Alma 13-16

The opposite of teaching 

For all the great examples of preaching and teaching that we get in the scriptures… There are a few examples of the opposite that have

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Alma 8-12

SAME angel!

Ready for a cool connection in the scriptures?! An angel had visited Alma the Younger in Alma’s youth. The angel reprimanded Alma and called him

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Book of Mormon

Two groups, two paths

Let’s set the stage here: There were two different groups of people. Both oppressed by the Lamanites. Both wanting to escape to Zarahemla. The first

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August 2021

Stand ye in holy places

Remember Lehonti in the Book of Alma? He was firm and steadfast in staying with his armies at the top of the mountain. He knew

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Alma 53-63

To the maintainers

I’m sure you’ve heard of the escalator analogy: There’s no such thing as standing still on a downward escalator. You are either working to take

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Alma 53-63

Hidden answers

When I read Moroni’s letter to Pahoran in Alma 60, I always cringe a bit. Knowing that Moroni is getting angry and assuming a whole

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Alma 53-63

Filled with integrity

I think the sons of the Ammonites were the kind of people who put shopping carts back in the stall out in the parking lot.

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