Study Snippets

Ready for quick, simple and powerful spiritual thoughts from this week’s Come Follow Me reading? Check out my Study Snippets here, starting from most recently published. If you are looking for ideas for quick spiritual thoughts, or easy lesson starters, this is your place! This list is automatically updated as new Snippets are added, so check back for new thoughts each day!


The kite analogy 

I’ll never stop sharing the kite analogy: When is a kite the most “free”?⁣ Growing up, we would go to the beach a lot. ⁣

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Jeremiah 30-33, 36; Lamentations 1, 3

Better with Jesus?

Do you trust that your life will be better following Jesus? I had this question come to my mind recently, and it has completely reframed

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Isaiah 58-66


I’ll admit that I don’t read through the articles in the Liahona magazine as I would like to. Because every single time I do sit

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2 Samuel 5-7, 11-12; 1 Kings 3, 8, 11

Not much is guaranteed

Even if I do all the assignments and readings, I still might not get the top grade in a class. Even if I practice a

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D&C 1

Searching in the D&C

The Doctrine and Covenants. Ready to dive in? What are we going to find this year? What will we discover? The Lord is speaking directly

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