Study Snippets

Ready for quick, simple and powerful spiritual thoughts from this week’s Come Follow Me reading? Check out my Study Snippets here, starting from most recently published. If you are looking for ideas for quick spiritual thoughts, or easy lesson starters, this is your place! This list is automatically updated as new Snippets are added, so check back for new thoughts each day!

January 2023

Zacharias’ journey

Can we talk about Zacharias? The first time we learn about Zacharias, we get a really interesting description of who he and his wife were:

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Isaiah 40-49

Preparing for Jesus 

When I think about someone preparing the way for Jesus, I immediately think of John the Baptist. As I’m sure most others do. He was

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D&C 12-13, JSH 1:66-75

Never be taken again!

I last attended the temple the first weekend in March of 2020. I had no idea that I would be one of the final people

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