Study Snippets

Ready for quick, simple and powerful spiritual thoughts from this week’s Come Follow Me reading? Check out my Study Snippets here, starting from most recently published. If you are looking for ideas for quick spiritual thoughts, or easy lesson starters, this is your place! This list is automatically updated as new Snippets are added, so check back for new thoughts each day!

Jonah; Micah

Sacrifice with thanksgiving 

In my lists of what I’m grateful for, I don’t usually mention things I’ve had to sacrifice. I’m grateful for people. I’m grateful for things.

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Jonah; Micah

The storm and the whale

God sent the storm. And God sent the whale. And Jonah needed both of them. He needed the storm to humble him. And he needed

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Jonah; Micah

Remember in the moment

Praying in the morning and at night is a fantastic habit to get into. But for a long time, I was stuck there. In fact,

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Amos; Obadiah

Surprise parties

I always wanted a surprise birthday party growing up. My mom was fantastic about throwing great birthday parties each year, but I thought the idea

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Amos; Obadiah

Feeling at ease

“So Cali, what are you working on improving right now in your spiritual life?” “Uh, nothing right now. I’m pretty good.” I still cringe a

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Amos; Obadiah

Hide and seek and effort

My kids are OBSESSED with playing hide and seek right now. While my daughter is great at playing it, my two year old son cracks

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Hosea 1-6, 10-14; Joel

The light of Christ

If you’re like me, you’ve heard people talk about “the light of Christ” every once in a while. Oh yeah, yeah. The light of Christ.

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Hosea 1-6, 10-14; Joel

Love freely!

If there’s anything I’ve learned while studying the Old Testament this year, it’s that God is a God who forgives, keeps His promises, and loves

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Daniel 1-6

No hurt 

One time, someone hit me in the face with a golf club and broke my nose. That hurt. A LOT. One time, someone completely betrayed

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