Study Snippets

Ready for quick, simple and powerful spiritual thoughts from this week’s Come Follow Me reading? Check out my Study Snippets here, starting from most recently published. If you are looking for ideas for quick spiritual thoughts, or easy lesson starters, this is your place! This list is automatically updated as new Snippets are added, so check back for new thoughts each day!

August 2022

 Enduring forever

Do you know how many “no name” papers I had students turn in as a teacher? Too too many to count. Sixth graders forget to

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August 2022

What you focus on grows

“What you focus on, grows.” It’s a piece of parenting advice I’ve been leaning into recently. I’ve proved it time and time again. One of

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August 2022

God has changed my soul

I recently had the chance to look back on some writing that I did a few years ago. This writing included some of my thoughts

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August 2022

 An overwhelmed heart

When was the last time you felt overwhelmed? Between kids’ activities, church callings, work, and millions of other things on my to-do list, I honestly

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August 2022

Know who God is

I originally wanted to write a post today about the importance of being still in a crazy, busy life. And it’s absolutely true. “Be still,

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August 2022

Converting my soul 

Where is my testimony grounded? I’ve had to ask myself that question many times. I’ve had other people ask me this question many times. Because

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August 2022

The mundane middle

If you turn on the news, or let’s be real, if you scroll through a news website, you’ll see lots of examples of extremes– both

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