Study Snippets

Ready for quick, simple and powerful spiritual thoughts from this week’s Come Follow Me reading? Check out my Study Snippets here, starting from most recently published. If you are looking for ideas for quick spiritual thoughts, or easy lesson starters, this is your place! This list is automatically updated as new Snippets are added, so check back for new thoughts each day!

Isaiah 40-49

Service and Christlike love

After partaking of the sacrament, THIS is the reason I’ve learned to love actual attendance at church. I’m probably not alone in saying that the

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Deuteronomy 6-8, 15, 18, 29-30, 34

Happy heart to serve

There was one particular service activity on a Saturday morning I attended as a youth that I grudgingly pulled myself out of bed and went

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Exodus 1-6

Cleaning the apartment

It was moving day, and our stuff was almost out of our apartment. ⁣⁣I was of absolutely no use that day, since I had recently

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Genesis 28-33

Love makes service a joy

“Oh you didn’t have to do all that! I don’t want to make you do extra work!” I had a friend say this recently when

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D&C 124

Just a ward missionary

I once got called to be a ward missionary. I honestly didn’t even knowing what that calling meant when my husband and I were first

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D&C 115-120

It’s not a good time

When I was a teenager, every evening, one of my parents would call up to my bedroom, “Dinner is almost ready! Time to come help!”

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D&C 111-114

I was replaced

“I really should text her to check on her and offer to bring her dinner.” The thought came into my mind. Again. “Yes, yes, I

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D&C 109-110

Serving from lack

Oh great, I thought. This was another Relief Society lesson about ministering. I had recently moved into the ward. My house was still being slowly

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August 2021

Sun and moon

“I’m not sure why you are friends with me since I just complain all the time.” My heart broke as I heard a dear friend

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