Study Snippets

Ready for quick, simple and powerful spiritual thoughts from this week’s Come Follow Me reading? Check out my Study Snippets here, starting from most recently published. If you are looking for ideas for quick spiritual thoughts, or easy lesson starters, this is your place! This list is automatically updated as new Snippets are added, so check back for new thoughts each day!

Moroni 7-9

Ward Choir Director

I remember the moment that I realized fulfilling my calling was not counting as service. Here’s what I mean – Shortly after Kyle and I

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Moroni 1-6

Why the Church?

Why do we have the Church? In March, it seemed crazy that we would be going a few weeks without church. And now… I don’t

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Ether 6-11


When I read Ether 7-11, there seems to be one common theme that is the root of all of their problems. Power. Power over people.

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3 Nephi 17-19

More than a project

One thing I’ve heard consistently from people who are having a faith crisis or who leave this Church for various reasons? No one likes feeling

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Helaman 13-16

No fruits to be seen

What Samuel, the Lamanite, experienced: He shared his message while standing on a wall. After he finished, some people got really angry and starting throwing

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May 2020

Favorite callings

I remember talking to my Grandpa, who has since passed away, a few years ago. For some reason, we started talking about different callings in

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April 2020

Abounding in good works

The most important “good works” we can abound in are usually in our own home. I have realized recently that I like to give myself

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