Study Snippets

Ready for quick, simple and powerful spiritual thoughts from this week’s Come Follow Me reading? Check out my Study Snippets here, starting from most recently published. If you are looking for ideas for quick spiritual thoughts, or easy lesson starters, this is your place! This list is automatically updated as new Snippets are added, so check back for new thoughts each day!

D&C 60-62

Bearing testimony in quiet ways

When was the last time that you bore your testimony out loud? Are you a get-up-every-fast-and-testimony-meeting type of person? Or only-in-smaller-settings? Or only-in-the-family? Or… rarely

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D&C 51-57

Going and growing

There are many people who have said, “I know this church is true”, and later left the church. Gaining a testimony is not the finish

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D&C 20-22

I’m too good for that

I LOVE playing the piano. I’ve played it my whole life. I was that high schooler who could sight read anything, accompanied choirs, played the

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Moroni 10

My final testimony

This is it. The end of the Book of Mormon. “The most correct of any book on earth.” Another testament of Jesus Christ. I needed

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Moroni 10

Pondering in silence

Growing up in California, I felt like we were always taking road trips. Down south to Disneyland, across Nevada, or just to the mountains. But

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August 2020

Building on Christ

Confession: My testimony has not always been built on Jesus Christ. As I’ve developed in the gospel, I’ve had times where my testimony has been

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Alma 23-29

Testimonies are just words

“I know this gospel is true.” What a weirdly simple sentence. But behind that sentence is a whole wave of emotions and truths. So sometimes

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Knowing for Myself

Brainwashed. A cult. Blindly following leaders. I’ve heard it all about my religion. But check out what we read in the Introduction to the Book

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