I need a rest right now.

Who’s with me?

Having a really solid night’s sleep is my favorite kind of rest.

But I’m pretty shocked at how often I DON’T feel rejuvenated after taking a “rest”.

I lounge on my phone for a while, or turn on a show…

But afterwards, doing some household chores or getting work done doesn’t seem any more appealing.

I am SO glad that the Lord has a much better definition of rest.

Here’s what He taught in D&C 84:24.

He starts by talking about unrighteous people, but He teaches an important truth in it:

“They hardened their hearts and could not endure his presence; therefore, the Lord in his wrath, for his anger was kindled against them, swore that they should not enter into his rest while in the wilderness, which rest is the fulness of his glory.”

Did you catch that last line?


True rest is being in the presence of God.

Isn’t that amazing?

True rest, in the ways our souls really crave it, isn’t reading that book. It isn’t that kid-free day. It isn’t quitting that job.

Don’t get me wrong, those can feel great and be rejuvenating.

But there’s a higher and a holier way to rest.

And that is by entering into the presence of God.

I can’t currently fully enter into God’s presence on a daily basis.

But I can do some things that get me close.

Some things that get me symbolically there.

Some things that bring God’s spirit into my life so that I am still in the presence of a member of the Godhead, who are one in purpose.

I can take a rest however I want, and I love resting with fun and enjoyable things.

But when I know that my soul needs a rest.

When I need solace and comfort and peace to my spirit.

Then I know that only truly comes by getting as close as I can to being in the presence of God.

How do you give your spirit rest?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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