What’s your biggest temptation right now?

Yelling, gossiping, inappropriate media, being rude, being slothful, neglecting duties, pride… In this mortal world, we’ve got a lot to pick from!
Try out this “temptation inventory” with your temptation in mind:

  • When is the last time you felt this temptation?
  • When was the last time you gave in to your temptation?
  • When is it easier to NOT give in to your temptation?
  • When is it super easy to give in to the temptation?
  • Do you expect to be tempted to indulge in your sin, or does it take you by surprise each time?
  • Have you prayed for help in overcoming your temptation? If so, when was the last time?

Let’s look at what Alma taught about temptations:

For some reason, I think I’ve usually only heard this last phrase of the verse in Alma in isolation: “ye may not be tempted above that which ye can bear”.

But when I read it this week, the phrase right before it jumped out to me:

Watch and pray continually, THAT YE may not be tempted above that which ye can bear.

We WILL be tempted more than we can bear – if we aren’t turning to God.

While we always have our agency, we are natural men and women.

If we are prideful, slothful, and ignore the Lord, we will be tempted more than we can bear.

We will sin.

So how do we avoid this?

Just flip it around!

If we are humble, always watching, and always praying, we will NOT be tempted more than we can bear!

Watching and praying are key elements.

Waiting for the temptation to arise, and then praying for power from God to overcome it.

Not necessarily praying that the temptation won’t come at all – but praying with confidence that God will keep His promise and help you to bear it well.

So try it out!

Become a better “watcher” and EXPECT temptations to come. Christ Himself was tempted while He was here on the Earth.

But then pray that you can draw on your Savior’s strength and power to bear and overcome those temptations, just as He did.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



One Response

  1. Love your twist on this and after many years of living, I have not be tempted move than Our Savior, Jesus Christ and I can bear together. Without Him, I would be alone and lost.

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