Temptations, pain, and fatigue

This is what our Savior experienced here on earth.

Temptations. Pain of body. Fatigue.

Oh man. I don’t know why these three words popped out so much when I read King Benjamin’s words this time.

Well, maybe I do.

They are so REAL.

This is what I experience, too.

I’m tempted. I’m tempted to make poor decisions. I’m tempted to just not do good things.

And Christ really felt those temptations, too. We know of one time he was formally “tempted”, but I’m sure he was tempted often to just pass by someone in need, or give in to other natural desires he might have as a mortal.

It’s not bad, at all, to be tempted.

I experience physical pain.

Sometimes I forget Christ can help me through physical body pain.

I’m sure his legs ached after travel. I’m sure his arms were sore as he learned carpentry from Joseph. I’m sure he stubbed his toe.

And I’m learning how to react to physical pain more perfectly.

And boy, do I feel fatigued.

Elder Holland so wisely counseled: “Fatigue is the common enemy of us all—so slow down, rest up, replenish, and refill.”

Christ can help with fatigue. Even when I think I shouldn’t feel it. Even when it’s just due to little things, like raising two little kids all day.

I’m sure Christ felt fatigue as he laid his head down to sleep at night. After exerting his mental power to help everyone else and teach all day.

Christ’s atoning sacrifice is even more powerful and real to me because he actually lived as a mortal on this earth. He knew what it was like to be tempted, feel random pain, and just get fatigued.

It’s all normal. It’s all mortal. I’m just learning how to better react to it, because my Savior showed me how to perfectly.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



3 Responses

  1. Wow thanks for this. I had never even thought of this. I guess he only felt this when he was in the garden of gethsemane.
    I am really learning and enjoying your study guides. Thanks julie

  2. Hi!
    Thank you! I never received your Study notes PDF file I purchased on Instagram- Mosiah I would really love to receive them. ????


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