It was time to head back home.

The group of missionaries, with Joseph at the helm, had finished their short stay in Missouri and were ready to go back home to Ohio.

The men had been told it didn’t matter how they traveled, so they figured the easiest way would be to secure some canoes, and float down the river.

And that’s what they did.

Focused on the best way to get home.

Gliding down the river to their destination.

The journey started to get a little treacherous, so they pulled their canoes off to the side for a while.

And this is where Joseph received a revelation, reprimanding this group:

“It is not needful for this whole company of mine elders to be moving swiftly upon the waters, whilst the inhabitants on either side are perishing in unbelief.” D&C 61:3

In other words:

Why are you gliding down the river in canoes, when you are surrounded by people who need your help?!

Why are you choosing to take the easy way home?

There are people all around you who would benefit from receiving your service, or hearing you share your testimony.

And yet, you are choosing to just focus on your own journey.

In my personal life, I feel like one of my main goals has been to put myself on the easiest path home!

Trying to align myself to the gospel, focus on refining my personal traits, and loving God.

These are fantastic goals.

But as I’ve matured, I’ve realized that the goal of this life is not just for me to make it safely to my heavenly home, finding the smoothest route possible.

One of my main goals is to look outside myself.

To see the people in need.

The people who are struggling.

The people who need a friend.

And to help, lift, and love.

To take the long way home, serving others and messing up my kitchen, and getting tear stains on my shoulder.

And now, I don’t think I want to take the easy way home, gliding down the river.

I want to get off and walk. Meet people. Serve. Love. Teach.

I want to get off my canoe.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. This is a very humbling message. Thanks for putting it into perspective. I love having another pair of eyes to see these truths and help move me out of my comfort zone.

    1. It can definitely be tricky to step out of our comfort zone, but the blessings that come to us and others are always worth it! <3

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