When I played soccer growing up, I was often the goalie.

I loved it so much.

As the fast and athletic forwards were trying to score goals…

My attention was always on the other team and how they could try to steal the ball away. ⁣

I was constantly watching the ball and playing a game of “what if…” the entire time.

Even when it seemed like our team was rocking it, I was noticing where all the players on the other team were, ready to defend.

It takes a lot of work to intentionally defend.

“Constant vigilance is required to counteract complacency and casualness.” – David A. Bednar

I think sometimes we fall into the trap that if we talk about the temptations or sin in our lives, that it might invite more sin in. ⁣

Wouldn’t it just be easier to pretend like everything is fine all the time?⁣

But virtually every knowledge source, from child development experts to the scriptures, remind us that we HAVE to be up front and intentional about driving out bad habits and sins in our lives. ⁣

“For what shepherd is there among you having many sheep doth not watch over them, that the wolves enter not and devour his flock? And behold, if a wolf enter his flock doth he not drive him out? Yea, and at the last, if he can, he will destroy him.” (Alma 5:59)

When we see the wolf, drive it out!⁣

When we feel temptation to search for bad things on the internet, we talk about our struggles and set up safeguards. ⁣

When we see that poor communication is happening with our spouse, we call it out for what it is and try to improve together. ⁣

When we see that our self esteem is taking a hit and we start wallowing in our pride of being worse off than everyone else, we start unfollowing accounts that make us feel less-than, and we surround ourselves with things that remind us of our worth. ⁣

When we see the wolf, we have to call it a wolf. We can’t ignore it. ⁣

And then, with the Savior’s help, we can drive it out.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. “When we see that our self-esteem is taking a hit, and we start wallowing in our pride of being worse off than everyone else, we start unfollowing accounts that make us feel less-than…”

    Oh my goodness! I’m a retired widow on Social Security, whose children and grandchildren live very far away. And a long-standing history of depression on top of that.
    I’ve been way too often wallowing in the “I’m alone” “I have so little funds” “my kids never call” yada yada!!
    I’ve often thought that Satan loves to see me sad and depressed, and that helps me end a difficult day.

    But PRIDE! Oh, dear. We can often find ourselves bemoaning our lot in life with others. Just listen to old ladies compare ailments! Just listed to mothers talk about their challenging children. Just listen to singles complain that their blessing promised them a spouse, but it hasn’t happened. Those conversations can become almost a competition of who is most miserable today. (I’m not describing those very precious conversations of love and support, Sisters! They are essential to survival.)

    I had never, ever thought of it as PRIDE. And sometimes, it is. I need to be more careful.

  2. My dear sister you are not alone. Heavenly Father hears you prayer and in time will answer. As a Senior Citizen, I to have felt the feeling of loniness. Our children are off living itheir lives, many of our friends have passed. It is difficult.
    More over, our funds are not like the use to be.
    What I do is get involved with my Ward. Like Woman relief, and other events. I also, let them know my limits. The members will embrace you and treat you with love and kindness.
    God bless you and stay encouraged!

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