I still remember that nervous excitement for when “class lists” would go up before the elementary school year started.

Who would my teacher be?!

Would I like them?

Would it be a good school year?

We’d park and run up to the printed class lists that were taped on the side of the front office window at our elementary school, eagerly looking for our fate for the year.

Classroom teachers have such a big impact on their students and to what degree they are able to help each kid throughout the year.

And as a former classroom teacher, I know the weight and responsibility I would feel as I’d get MY class lists, knowing that kids and parents would be counting on me to do my job.

But what about real, adult life?

Wouldn’t it be nice to be assigned to an amazing teacher who would make sure you were learning everything you needed to know, helping you out when you struggled, and cheering you on all the time?

Well… I think we actually might all be in the same class.

And we’ve been assigned the greatest, wisest, gentlest, happiest, kindest teacher of all.

“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” (Psalm 23:1)

Jesus is our shepherd.

He’s the one leading.

We won’t want any other teacher or feel jealous of that other class…

Because we’ve got the best.

And we’ve all got Him.

Young and old, whether you are in a classroom this year or far from it.

We actually all belong on the greatest class list of all time.

With Jesus as our shepherd, if we choose to follow Him, we’ll have the greatest year ever.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



5 Responses

  1. This is just awesome. Tomorrow is the first day of school, and though a retired teacher I know my primary class is feeling this. I will read it to them on Sunday and keep it handy every year.
    Thank you for all your insights.

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