My kids were recently obsessed with watching the Disney movie, “The Incredibles.”

In case you haven’t seen the movie…

The villain of the movie wants to give technology to everyone that will allow them to act like superheroes.

His motivation for doing this?

He wants to make the real superheroes seem less special.

He famously says, “Because when everyone is super. . . no one will be!”

The more common something is, the less special it seems.

“The people began to forget those signs and wonders which they had heard, and began to be less and less astonished at a sign or a wonder from heaven.” (3 Nephi 2:1) 

I’m sure the first miraculous sign of Christ’s birth was unforgettable.

But the 5th?

The 10th? 100th?

Eh, they’d seen that before.

WE wouldn’t have become “less astonished” at a sign from heaven if we had lived then, right?!

But think about the abundance of blessings Heavenly Father has given us RIGHT NOW.

He wants us to access the power of prayer each day!

He allows us to gain inspiration from the scriptures!

He pleads with us to listen to words of living prophets, make powerful covenants in the temple, find ways to love the people around us…

But do we allow the abundance of spiritual touch points to make them seem less special?⁣

My kids are great at still being astonished everytime they watch “The Incredibles”.

They laugh at the funny parts and gasp at the plot twists no matter how many times they’ve seen it.

I’m working on staying in awe of every aspect of the gospel so that every single time I receive new guidance or inspiration, I am astonished—

Whether it’s my 1st time or my 100th.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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