I’m not the type of person who is picked first for sports teams.

For very good reason!

But can you remember the kids at your school who were always picked first?

The one that everyone always wanted for dodgeball because that meant you’d be less likely to get hit yourself?

Or maybe you were that kid.

On the other hand, I was the kid everyone wanted on their team for review games in math class.

I was pretty cool.

I also think about when I had my first baby.

I had some amazing baby showers with such kind and thoughtful gifts from the people that I love.

I felt the power of all the people who were on my side.

I also think of other times in my life where I’ve been struggling and it feels like no one notices.

It’s like no one was really on my team or taking care of me.

Well in the grand scheme of life, guess who you have on your team?

He’s the most coveted, most powerful, smartest, kindest, and friendliest person.

He’s the one that everyone wants.

He’s the one that’s going to guarantee that you win in the end, even if you may get hit a few times here and there.

“The Lord is on my side”. (Psalm 118:6)

He’s got you.

You can breath a sigh of relief now.

You’ve got the one you were hoping for.

The Lord is on your side!

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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