Two years ago, when I had the sudden thought to start this account and share my thoughts about Come, Follow Me, I immediately shot the idea down.

“No way, not me! I’m not starting an account. That seems like a big commitment. Is that something I really want to or even could do?”

And just as quickly as I came up with my objections, I heard the Lord speak in my mind:

“It is not meet that I should command in all things… Verily I say, men should be ​​​anxiously engaged​ in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness”. (D&C 58:26-27)


The Lord put the ball in my court, and I went for it. I started the account and shared my testimony each day of what I was learning.

But why did D&C 58:26-27 pop into my mind?

Because I had just studied those scriptures that morning.

I had just been in the scriptures, studying these words that the Lord had previously spoken.

He didn’t speak to me in foreign, unfamiliar words.

He used the words that I had just given Him.

And that’s what He did for young Joseph.

The Lord wanted to give Joseph a special message.

He knew of Joseph’s confusion around religion. He knew of the turmoil that swirled in his head.

And the Lord wanted to tell Joseph that he could just ask for help.

But the way He told Joseph this required action from the young boy.

Joseph had to be in his scriptures.

And then, he read the words.

James 1:5.

And the Lord used those words to speak directly to Joseph. To give him direction for his next step.

This is why I love studying the scriptures.

I want Him to be able to get any message through to me, because He has plenty of scriptural words, fresh in my mind, to pull from.

I want to expand the Lord’s vocabulary in my life.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



16 Responses

  1. I know what you mean. I asked in my prayers to help me serve someone. Today they were put into my path. It was a grand feeling to know I was following His path.

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